CHILDREN OF BODOM: 'Are You Dead Yet?' Due In September
April 27, 2005According to a posting on the CHILDREN OF BODOM fan site Scythes-of-Bodom.com, Spinefarm Records has set a September 14 Finnish release date for the new CHILDREN OF BODOM album, "Are You Dead Yet?" The CD is due to receive an international release on September 19.
In related news, the new album from SINERGY, the acclaimed Finnish-American metal band featuring singer Kimberly Goss and CHILDREN OF BODOM members Alexi Laiho (guitar) and Roope Latvala (guitar),is reportedly due on August 24. The follow-up to 2002's "Suicide By My Side", tentatively titled "Sins of the Past", was recorded in part at Finnvox and Beyond Abilities Studios (the studio of Janne Wirman from CHILDREN OF BODOM).